Category: Random

Remember That Red Pandas Exist

We focus on the negative by default. But we don’t have to do it. Remember that red pandas exist. Teach yourself how to focus elsewhere.

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Here is Why I Think We’re God

When we come together and collaborate our efforts we can do God-like things. We can create something that is more than the sum of our parts

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Trying To Be Better

I give myself an awful hard time quite often. There is no one so specifically cruel to me than myself. I’m sure that’s true for everyone. In bouts of anxiety I’ll convince myself that many people hate me. In times in which I achieve goals and accomplish things, I’ll be the first one to tell […]

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You Can’t Outrun Death on a Treadmill

I’m not sure why exactly, but I absolutely love running on my treadmill. It’s my favourite thing to do. I have it kept in my room so that I can jump on whenever I want to. Most days it’s all I do. I just run on that thing until I get tired, I take a […]

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Things Look Different in the Mirror

The second half of this piece uses the exact same words, just written in reverse. The meanings of both paragraphs mirror each other. I hope you enjoy it! Fact: Sometimes you hurt people. Sometimes people hurt you. Everybody hurts somebody eventually. Is it natural, how careless humankind is? Thinking stops eventually. Mankind stupidly follow instincts, […]

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By No Means Perfect

I don’t think everyone tries their best. People say they do, but I don’t think that most of us do. WE watch too much TV, or spend time doing things that doesn’t line up with what would be considered as “trying my best”. That’s fine at times, but if you find yourself watching more Netflix […]

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