Category: Random

I hope that after reading this you…

I hope that after reading this you understand that you are a person with inherent value, and that feeling things is normal

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Every moment of my life feels deliberate.

Every moment of my life feels deliberate. This blog is a labour of love, and it will always be free. Over 1,000 people read every post which is incredible. And if just 100 people donate €2 it means that I’ll be able to continue doing all of this for another year. So if you like […]

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Notes App Diaries #1

This may seem incredibly random and nonsensical, or it might seem profound. The good news is, both are true. Welcome to Notes App Diaries.

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I Organise Myself into Human Shape

I organise myself into human shape. I expand lungs and shake dry thoughts from brain. Shoes, I put them on, but not before underwear and trousers and socks.

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What Fills The Void?

What fills the void for you? Despite the ups and downs of writing, I still find myself drawn to it, because it gives purpose to my life.

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A Conversation

This is something different. Enough is enough. A creative conversation on how I was feeling last Friday. Hopefully it helps.

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