Tag: Social

Social commentary post

Acknowledging Sadness and Other Negative Emotions

Negative emotions like sadness and loneliness are something we all experience but society has made us believe we’re not meant to feel them.

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Understanding Waves

Emotions are like waves and you are the ocean. Learning to see emotions as separate to yourself is fundamental to good mental health.

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Why Long-Term Purpose is More Important Than Short-Term Happiness

Finding purpose which isn’t self-serving is far more important than finding short-term happiness in meaningless endeavours.

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That Sunday Feeling

Ever have that Sunday Feeling? You can step back for a moment and see your life for what it is, and you can either be grateful or distressed

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If You Need to Post on Instagram Every Day You Might Have a Problem

If you can’t do anything without posting about it online, or on Instagram, then you might have an addiction to validation. I know a lot of people will be uncomfortable reading that, and many will flat out say that it’s wrong, or that I’m being insensitive, but this doesn’t make it any less true. There […]

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You Are What You Think You Are

You are what you think you are. If you frame your existence negatively, you will soon begin to believe you are a bad person.

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