Tag: Social

Social commentary post

Angry Little Internet People

Why is everyone so angry all the time? It looks exhausting and I’m exhausted half the time as it is. I just need a nap.

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Seán Óg Ó Murchú: Going to the Cinema Alone

Our latest guest blog feature Seán Óg Ó Murchú with a goegeous piece about going to the cinema alone, anxiety, and panic attacks

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Everyone’s Hungover on Sunday

You might think I’m writing this ahead of time, but usually it’s on a Sunday, hungover, in the minutes before posting.

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How You Make Others Feel

Do you ever wonder about how you make others feel? You have the power to make people feel good and bad, through words alone.

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Trying To Be Better

I’m tired of everyone competing online, only showing the highlights, only showing the good parts. I always wanted this to be a place where we talk about real things. And in some ways, I’ve strayed from that a little bit. So, I want to get back to being authentic.

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Resenting People For No Good Reason

Wanting other people to fail in order to feel better about yourself isn’t generally a characteristic of a good or successful person.

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