Everyone’s Hungover on Sunday

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This blog is a labour of love, and it will always be free. Over 1,000 people read every post which is incredible. And if just 100 people donate €2 it means that I’ll be able to continue doing all of this for another year. So if you like the work, it would mean the world to me if you considered making a donation. Thank you to everyone who already has this year. There’s no expectations, as ever, and I hope you have a lovely week. Donate here

I’m gonna let you in on a Thoughts Too big secret.

This blog comes out every Sunday. And you might imagine that I pre-write these blogs, schedule them in advance so that I can have a relaxing Sunday. But you’d be imagining wrong.

Usually the blog I written in the hour before it goes out. Sometimes I am hungover. Often I procrastinate doing it. But I always get it done. Somehow.

That said, I’m writing this on a Friday this week – hello from the very recent past!

Why am I making a point of this? Well, I think we nearly always have an inaccurate idea of people, Many readers thing this is a hyper-organised, ultra-professional outfit. It probably should be considering how long I’m at it. And yet, it’s still impulsive, last-minute, chaotic. Because that’s how I am as a person. The blog is reflection of that.

We often view other people as doing better, doing more than us. We put them at such a high standard and berate ourselves for not performing at this level. But in reality, we’re all just making it up as we go. We’re all hungover on a Sunday evening penning the latest blog. It’s very rare that we’re actually getting things done ahead of time.

The perception we have of people online is incredible narrow. We only post our best moments, curating the parts of ourselves we want the world to see. The blog might look as though it’s carefully crafted, honed, thoughtful. But it’s not as clean as that. It’s much more in the moment, reactive and impulsive. That doesn’t make it better or worse, but it may not match the perspective people have of it.

And so, when you’re out there scrolling, and you see someone posting something that makes you feel bad or jealous, just know that these posts are single moments in a sea of mundanity. We’re all just flexing really, trying to prove to ourselves that our lives are as interesting and full as we project. And that’s fine. We all do it. But just bare in mine that not everything is as it seems. I spend most of my time doing nothing interesting. But it doesn’t look like that on social media.

Just something to be aware of, something to think about when the internet makes you feel bad for having a regular day.

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