The Unfiltered Version

I filter myself into your lives like a coffee drip. Drop by drop, I let some parts fall into you, the parts I want you to see. Outside this permeated filter remains all the elements I’m afraid to show you. The vulnerable parts, the things that might kill me if you knew about them. When […]

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Getting Out of Your Own Way

The pressure to live freely is a philosophical minefield. Let’s get stuck in and find out how to get out of our own way.

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A Conversation

This is something different. Enough is enough. A creative conversation on how I was feeling last Friday. Hopefully it helps.

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The Trolls Will Come

It’s nice to know that people saying absolutely wild shit online doesn’t have a direct emotional impact on me. Trolls are wild

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Have To vs. Want To

This week I had Covid, and it gave me a lot of time to read, rest and reflect. So that’s exactly what I did.

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Live Journalling #2

Often I get messages from people asking how to journal, and the easiest way to help people understand is to show them.

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