Minesweeping For Happiness

We all tend to get attached to our identity labels. And this can prevent us from finding happiness. So let’s stop with the identity tag.

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The Last Blog of 2023

The last post of 2023 has arrived somehow. And with it, some thoughts on the year gone by, and what I want you to think about going into 2024.

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Understanding Your Social Battery

I need to be social. I used to think I didn’t. I’d spend most of time on my own and then wonder why I’d fall into bouts of low mood, anxiety and loneliness. See, my work requires time on my own, and I tend to hyper fixate on things I’m passionate about. So when I […]

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How Can I Be Grateful at a Time Like This?

There’s so much suffering. How can I be grateful for the good in my life when so many others are in so much pain?

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When Things Go To Shit

When we make plans, the universe throws us a curveball. It’s our ability to adapt and find joy when things are going badly that matters most.

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Imagining Sisyphus Happy

When Albert Camus said that we should imagine Sisyphus happy, I don’t think he meant that we should believe Sisyphus enjoyed pushing the boulder up the hill.

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