Tag: Emotion

The Unfiltered Version

I filter myself into your lives like a coffee drip. Drop by drop, I let some parts fall into you, the parts I want you to see. Outside this permeated filter remains all the elements I’m afraid to show you. The vulnerable parts, the things that might kill me if you knew about them. When […]

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Grinding Teeth and Stress

I feel stress so often that it has begun to feel like my baseline, and that’s not a good place to be. Let’s talk about it.

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Dealing with The Good

It’s easier to acknowledge when our mental health is bad and how it’s making us feel, but sometimes I struggle when my mental health is good.

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What I’ve Learned About Grief

Grief is a complex emotional experience, and it manifests itself in many ways. It can be a sad experience, but often grief can enhance our gratitude.

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Feeling Strong Emotions

Maybe I’ll never fully get to place where I’m always feeling strong emotions. Perhaps this is simply the way I am. But I don’t always have to be poor at communicating the issue.

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The Stress of Being Stressed

Stress can happen at any time. I used to think it only happened when things were going badly, but recently I’ve realised that isn’t true.

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