Category: Topical

Traveling Alone: Some notes.

You get through security seamlessly. You’re surprised, as you always are, that nobody has checked your passport yet. You wait. Then you wait some more. You ration your phone battery so you can listen to choons on the flight. People queue up. The queue always looks like there are far more people than the plane […]

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Negative Focus

If you ask me 2018 was a bad year personally. Things went… sub-optimally. There were some low periods. My car’s brakes died during that snow storm in March. I was lucky nothing happened there. My hard drive deleted so I had to redo an absurd amount of work for my Masters.  I got injured twice, […]

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Take Off Your Mask in 2019

This year take off your mask every now and then. You know the one. The mask you wear in front of other people. The smile you’ve perfected. The sometimes pseudo-confidence. Take it off every now and then in 2019. Let down the ego a bit. Ease up on the narcissism, and the self-centered defaults we […]

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Unexpected Phonecalls

I’m sick of getting unexpected phone calls. Unexpected phone calls from family and close friends instigate panic every, single time. Alarm bells go off, and with good fucking reason. Unexpected phone calls imply bad news, mostly. This week was no different. Earlier this year I was sat in a lecture in UCD when my phone […]

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Are You Stressed?

Your jaw is clenched. Your teeth are firmly together, not really hurting but there’s pressure there. Your shoulders are coming up towards your ears, rather than staying at home. After a while you get quite hot, and everything becomes quite irritating, as you become increasingly irritable. There are just a few of the physiological and […]

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Through The Ringer

2018 so far has been a mixed bag for me personally. It’s had its ups and downs. In brief, I got injured twice, my hard drive corrupted, I had to get eye surgery. There were plenty of set-backs. At the beginning of the year, my mental health took a hit. I was lonely, and in […]

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