Category: Topical

Grief after 12 Years

Grief isn’t a sad feeling forever. It changes over time, it becomes this awareness of something missing. Which is actually nice.

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The Last Blog of 2023

The last post of 2023 has arrived somehow. And with it, some thoughts on the year gone by, and what I want you to think about going into 2024.

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When Things Go To Shit

When we make plans, the universe throws us a curveball. It’s our ability to adapt and find joy when things are going badly that matters most.

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Are You Feeling Uncomfortable?

Taking a break for you mental health is very different to opting out because you’re uncomfortable, so let’s talk about it.

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The Trolls Will Come

It’s nice to know that people saying absolutely wild shit online doesn’t have a direct emotional impact on me. Trolls are wild

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Have To vs. Want To

This week I had Covid, and it gave me a lot of time to read, rest and reflect. So that’s exactly what I did.

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