Category: Social

How You Feel Shouldn’t Excuse How You Behave

Often, we react emotionally to a situation and behave according to that response, which isn’t always the most appropriate or healthy way to navigate the world.

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You Shouldn’t Allow People to Make You Feel Bad

We tend to fixate on the negatives and allow ourselves to believe bad things about ourselves more often than good things.

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Why You Shouldn’t Believe Everything You Think

We can all fall victim to comparing ourselves to others sometimes. It’s important that we learn to block out the voice of self-doubt and accept whonwe are.

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Why Discipline is More Important than Ambition

Anyone can be ambitious, but not everyone cares enough to be disciplined, and that’s why discipline is more important to success than talent and ambition will ever be.

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Be Kind’ doesn’t have an asterisk attached to it. It isn’t conditional. ‘Be Kind’ implies that you should treat all people with kindness, whether you like them or not. There is no caveat that allows you to be kind to some people and be hateful to others, but a lot of people will have you believe this is true.

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Why Getting in Shape is the Lowest Hanging Fruit

I understand that this train of thought might be problematic for some considering how popular the fitness industry has become. However, I’m not saying that the fitness industry itself is inherently bad. It can be, and is, quite a positive industry. However in recent years the influence of social media and influencer culture has made […]

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