Category: Psychology

The Work is Never Finished

When it comes to our mental health the work is never finished. It requires a constant effort to maintain, and this can be a challenge at times

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Mental Health & Labels: You Aren’t How You Feel

Things happen to you. You walk along the road. A bus passes and splashes a huge puddle causing and you’re drenched. You’re uncomfortable and wet for a time but later you dry off and get warm again. Even when difficult things happen to us, we don’t become them. We don’t become the puddle of water […]

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I’ve Been Stressed Lately But I Hid It From Myself

Sometimes it can be difficult to see mental health problems when you’re in them. Lately I’ve felt a lot of stress, but I never realised it.

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Here is Why I Think We’re God

When we come together and collaborate our efforts we can do God-like things. We can create something that is more than the sum of our parts

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Knowing Yourself as the Hero and the Villain

Knowing yourself takes a lot of effort and can be quite painful. However, our lives become much more coherent when we make this effort.

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Navigating Negative Emotion in the Social Media Era

Spending too much time online can be harmful, as it causes us to compare our lives to lives of others, which can be harmful to mental health.

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