Tag: Topical

Do You Have To Post On Social Media?

There’s a lot happening in the world. There’s pressure to do a lot of things. If you choose not to post on social media, are you being compliant?

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Every Sunday For Eight Years

I’ve done this every Sunday for eight years now. And in doing that, I’ve learned a lot about what it means to be consistent.

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How To Make Your Own Day

How to make your own day – be present enough to see the small things. Be accepting enough to know today is all you have.

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If You’re Feeling Off Lately Then Read This

How have you been lately? How are you feeling right now? Have you been feeling like yourself?

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How Can I Be Grateful at a Time Like This?

There’s so much suffering. How can I be grateful for the good in my life when so many others are in so much pain?

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Are You Feeling Uncomfortable?

Taking a break for you mental health is very different to opting out because you’re uncomfortable, so let’s talk about it.

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