Tag: Mental Health Awareness

Everyone Has Insecurities

Insecurities abound! We’re all insecure. It’s natural. But we should all be aware of how insecurities can affect our lives.

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Nothing To Report

This week I have nothing to moan about really. Last week was bad, this week is good. I am, dare I say, happy for once?

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Seán Óg Ó Murchú: Going to the Cinema Alone

Our latest guest blog feature Seán Óg Ó Murchú with a goegeous piece about going to the cinema alone, anxiety, and panic attacks

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I Just Hate Texting

It’s not that deep. I just hate texting. How come friends don’t mind when you don’t text back for a week? What’s different?

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Cathy Shah: My experience of receiving a ‘later in life’ ADHD diagnosis

The first guest post is here! Cathy Shah talks about her late diagnosis of ADHD and how this has helped her to connect with herself.

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Our House is on Fire

Men, our house is on fire. It’s not your fault that it’s on fire, but we do need to figure out how to stop the flames.

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