Tag: Culture

Here is Why I Think We’re God

When we come together and collaborate our efforts we can do God-like things. We can create something that is more than the sum of our parts

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Knowing Yourself as the Hero and the Villain

Knowing yourself takes a lot of effort and can be quite painful. However, our lives become much more coherent when we make this effort.

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Nuance in a Polarised World

Social media has trained us to hide our flaws and hope to God no one ever finds them, but we’re all flawed. The point of this blog is to showcase how a person is a combination of beliefs, flaws and anxieties rather than any one perspective.

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How Social Media Affects Our Mental Wellbeing

Social media distorts how we interact with others. Instead of viewing conversations as places to collaborate, it’s not more common to see them as battlegrounds.

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Why ‘Mental Health’ is not a Get Out Of Jail Free Card

Mental Health is often used as an excuse by disingenuous people to avoid taking responsibility for bad behaviour, and it needs to stop.

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I Didn’t Know What Mental Health Was Until My Friend Killed Himself

Too often we have waited for tragedy to strike in order to educate about mental health.. We must educate in order to prevent such tragedies.

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