This is Why You Feel Attacked

If you spend any time online then it’s fair to say you’ve been in this position at some stage. It usually goes like this: You’re scrolling through your feed and you see a tweet that highlights some negative aspect of human behaviour. Your subconscious brain attributes this tweet to you personally, as you sometimes behave […]

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Trying To Be Better

I give myself an awful hard time quite often. There is no one so specifically cruel to me than myself. I’m sure that’s true for everyone. In bouts of anxiety I’ll convince myself that many people hate me. In times in which I achieve goals and accomplish things, I’ll be the first one to tell […]

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Notes on Stagnating

I have a prominent and sometimes disruptive aversion to stagnating. (‘Stagnant’ is just an awful word in a linguistic sense too but that’s a whole other post.) Becoming stagnant has always been a fear in the back of my mind. It comes from submitting to the idea that if you’re not moving forward, you’re moving […]

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Road-trips & Guilt-trips

I was up on the West Coast of Ireland for the week in a campervan with some friends. It was great craic and we saw parts of the country I would never have seen otherwise had we not been under an international travel ban. I spent the week away from the keyboard. I spent very […]

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I was sat in a room last night with a group of friends from college. It’s been 4 years or so since we finished the undergrad. In most ways we’re all still very much the same as we were; giddy dopes who are fond of drinking cans (Except Dan lol). In another sense, we may […]

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Don’t Let Anger Consume You

It feels a little bit strange to broach any subject that isn’t related to the pandemic or BLM or riots or lockdown. The world seems to upside down. There’s chaos everywhere. More than anything though, there is an abundance of hatred, anger and judgement. Every time I log onto Twitter, I’m hit with a new […]

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