Category: Mental Health

This is the Problem With Green Grass

There are two friends. One friends needs to continually achieve in order to feel fulfilled. The work is never done to an extent. Once one goal is achieved the next one is set and the friend keeps moving. It’s part of the reason they succeed. Because dissatisfaction is a constant state of being, the itch […]

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The Junk Value Epidemic

I watched a TED Talk by Johann Hari last week about why there seems to be more people than ever suffering from anxiety and depression in the current era. I’ve gone in on this topic multiple times before myself, but a lot of what he said made sense too so I read into it. In […]

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Tough Decisions and Lessons in Identity Formation

This week I decided to stop playing basketball, at least for the time being. If you know me, you’ll know that I’ve played basketball since I was 11, and that it has formed part of my identity for most of my life, and for all of my adult life. If you don’t know me, then […]

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What’s the Cost of Being Happy?

I’m gonna keep this short. I’ll be honest and tell you that I’m hammering this out in the minutes before it’ll be posted. I didn’t give time to this week’s post at all, and that’s something I may have beaten myself up about in the past. I spent a few days away with some friends […]

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Personal Responsibility and Mental Health

I harp on about mental health so often that I think most people assume that my mental health is always good, but that’s not always the case. Maybe some even think I’m a hypocrite at times because I don’t always practice what I preach. Working on your mental health isn’t easy though, and even though […]

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This is Why You Feel Attacked

If you spend any time online then it’s fair to say you’ve been in this position at some stage. It usually goes like this: You’re scrolling through your feed and you see a tweet that highlights some negative aspect of human behaviour. Your subconscious brain attributes this tweet to you personally, as you sometimes behave […]

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