Category: Mental Health

Why You Shouldn’t Believe Everything You Think

We can all fall victim to comparing ourselves to others sometimes. It’s important that we learn to block out the voice of self-doubt and accept whonwe are.

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Why you Need to Choose a Better Mindset

Your mindset affects the impact of experiences. We decides whether things are good or bad, which in turn impacts our mood and well-being.

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Why We Shouldn’t Depend on the Gym for Mental Health

Exercise is fundamental for maintaining mental health, but we can achieve these outcomes without the gym if needs be

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Why Discipline is More Important than Ambition

Anyone can be ambitious, but not everyone cares enough to be disciplined, and that’s why discipline is more important to success than talent and ambition will ever be.

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The Power of Kind Words

Altruism is the act of doing something for someone without getting anything back. It’s a fundamental tenet for how we developed as a society in evolutionary terms. However, I don’t actually think altruism exists.

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Be Kind’ doesn’t have an asterisk attached to it. It isn’t conditional. ‘Be Kind’ implies that you should treat all people with kindness, whether you like them or not. There is no caveat that allows you to be kind to some people and be hateful to others, but a lot of people will have you believe this is true.

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