Don’t Underestimate Your Impact

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Don’t Underestimate Your Impact

This blog is a labour of love, and it will always be free. Over 1,000 people read every post which is incredible. And if just 100 people donate €2 it means that I’ll be able to continue doing all of this for another year. So if you like the work, it would mean the world to me if you considered making a donation. Thank you to everyone who already has this year. There’s no expectations, as ever, and I hope you have a lovely week. Donate here

There is also now a Thoughts Too Loud Podcast!

It’s been a long few weeks, full of ups and downs. I’m thoroughly exhausted. I’ve driven up and down the length of Ireland this week for fundraisers, events, talks. It was World Suicide Prevention Day on Tuesday, which can be a busy time. I’m grateful, bur worn out.

In the last month or so I’ve got some pretty bad breaks. Things that knocked my confidence, had me questioning what I’m at. Should I even be doing any of this?

On Monday, in my hotel room in Roscommon, I wrote a poem for WSPD. And then, in my tired state, I recorded a video for it. I sent it out like any other piece of content, not thinking much about it.

The following day I got a message from a woman. She told me that she was in a dark place, considering taking her own life, until she saw that poem. It resonated with her, made her feel less alone. And now she’s still with us.

I get messages a lot from people, all of which I appreciate it. Taking the time to tell me how much the work means will always be something that means the most to me. But this message really shook me. To know that it can have that impact, help someone come back from the edge, is life-altering. We’ve kept in touch since her initial message. I really do hope she’ll be okay.

All of that is to say, you never really know your own impact. Just by being yourself, you enrichen the lives of others. So stop being afraid to be yourself. Life is too short and uncertain. And by being you, you help others to be themselves.

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