Home is the absence of fear

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Home is the absence of fear

This blog is a labour of love, and it will always be free. Over 1,000 people read every post which is incredible. And if just 100 people donate €2 it means that I’ll be able to continue doing all of this for another year. So if you like the work, it would mean the world to me if you considered making a donation. Thank you to everyone who already has this year. There’s no expectations, as ever, and I hope you have a lovely week. Donate here

There is also now a Thoughts Too Loud Podcast!

Trying to stay relevant after midnight on a Friday night in your 30s is potentially sad. It depends on whether it works or not. Either way, whatever you’re doing can probably wait until the morning.

I used to want to leave Cork so badly because I felt it was killing me to be here. Draining me of any aspirations. This is different now because I left and came back.

The other day my father said, ‘I’m not suffering from ambition at this hour of my life’ and I’ve been thinking about it ever since. I think I’ll be suffering from it for my entire life. It’ll age me and I’ll grow to hate it but this is the brain I’ve been dealt.

Home is the absence of fear. It isn’t necessarily where you were born.

Discourse online about the Irish being boring because they don’t drink anymore is interesting. And by interesting I mean bizarre. We’re so obsessively attached to the drink that a few people opting out causes us to project and panic. This feeling should be looked at, reflected upon. Others not drinking shouldn’t affect our inner world.

My dog is getting older. Her hips are holding her back. And I know she thinks she’s still young but her body won’t let her be young. She wants to chase foxes, run around the garden hunting bees. But she can’t/and that’s a bit heart-breaking.

If you ever find yourself feeling sad for no reason at the end of a day you’re probably just tired and it’s not worth investigating. It’s morning sadness that you need to watch out for.

When the night is warm and the air is damp and going outside feels the same as being inside then there is a good chance that you are happy. There is a good chance that the universe is listening.

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