Tag: Offensive

Why Getting in Shape is the Lowest Hanging Fruit

I understand that this train of thought might be problematic for some considering how popular the fitness industry has become. However, I’m not saying that the fitness industry itself is inherently bad. It can be, and is, quite a positive industry. However in recent years the influence of social media and influencer culture has made […]

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Men Chase Women, Women Chase Status.

Nature is elective. It’s called natural selection for a reason. It’s because nature does the selecting. Not much of a revelation but bear with me. I’ve been listening to a lot of Jordan Peterson lectures lately. Not so much the political debate videos, but more so the ones that draw out his expertise; psychology. He […]

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A Vegan and a Horse Walk into a Bar

Today I’m tackling the highly emotive topic of abortion. Some of you reading right now will argue that I have absolutely zero say in this whatsoever. You’re entitled to that opinion and you can stop reading right now if you feel the need to do so. Before leaping in, I should outline my position. As […]

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Masculinity Isn’t Toxic

Culture is a weird thing. Culture changes. It’s different across the world, but the idea of culture is permanent. It’s inherent. Culture is something we do, us humans. Culture is basically whatever is deemed socially acceptable by a particular society. Therefore, it’s subject to change, as what becomes acceptable changes over time, both very quickly […]

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