The Humblebrag

Sweet merciful mother of Jesus. There is an abundance of things that are infuriating about the society we live in. On top of actual real issues, people still find the time to go out of their way to be hyper-sensitive, entitled, over-achieving, pathetically-ready-to-be offended, infants. I’m not getting into it now, I could be here […]

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The Right Path is Covered in Snakes

I’ve been reading a lot lately about the nature of chaos and order, right and wrong. This started with reading Jordan Peterson’s book ’12 Rules For Life’, but it quickly led me down an ethical, and existential rabbit hole. I’ve convinced myself for a while now that morality is relative. In some aspects it is, […]

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Are You Stressed?

Your jaw is clenched. Your teeth are firmly together, not really hurting but there’s pressure there. Your shoulders are coming up towards your ears, rather than staying at home. After a while you get quite hot, and everything becomes quite irritating, as you become increasingly irritable. There are just a few of the physiological and […]

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Irish Begrudgery

Begrudgery is something that comes naturally to us Irish people. For some reason we find it incredibly difficult to be happy for anyone else’s success. We’re known as the ‘generous’ nationality, but when it comes to being happy for anyone else, we’re the very opposite of generous. I’m not entirely sure what it is. You’d […]

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The Price of Ambition

Every single time I do something, or accomplish something, or do anything noteworthy, I never really get a sense of accomplishment. I don’t really ever get that feeling of joy that I see other people get. I do sometimes, and it’s not that I’m not happy with whatever the newest accomplishment is. It’s more to […]

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Through The Ringer

2018 so far has been a mixed bag for me personally. It’s had its ups and downs. In brief, I got injured twice, my hard drive corrupted, I had to get eye surgery. There were plenty of set-backs. At the beginning of the year, my mental health took a hit. I was lonely, and in […]

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