Category: Topical

Life is Bad When Your Friends Are Dead

Look after your friends. Check in on them. Make sure they’re not carrying a secret burden. This isn’t an act of righteous heroism. This is necessary selfishness. I’ve tweeted as much before. Making sure the mental health of your friends is good for your own sake if nothing else. When you’re surrounded by your friends […]

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Learning to Think Carefully

Be careful with your thoughts. We’re never taught how to think carefully. It’s not an easy thing to teach and it’s even harder to understand what it means to think carefully. Reckless thinking can get you into a world of trouble and potentially turn you from a nice person into a shit one. There’s a […]

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Spoken into Existence

It was a pipe dream for me. I’ve always enjoyed writing, but somewhere in the back of my head I always knew it was a long shot that I’d ever get published. I thought it would take years of rewrites, editing and rejection. I wrote one book, and that’s the one that’ll be published. That […]

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None Of Us Are Jesus

If you’re a Christian, or were raised a Christian, then today might be important for you. It’s not really too spiritual a day for me, but it’s always nice to spend some time with family, and take stock. The Easter story tells of Jesus rising from the dead. He comes back to life, to save […]

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The Mental Cost of Drinking Pints

I was asked recently to talk more about how mental health and alcohol relate to one another. I wrote a piece on this a few years back for HeadStuff, but it never made it on here. It’s definitely an important relationship to be aware of. Not only can alcohol be destructive for your good mental […]

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By No Means Perfect

I don’t think everyone tries their best. People say they do, but I don’t think that most of us do. WE watch too much TV, or spend time doing things that doesn’t line up with what would be considered as “trying my best”. That’s fine at times, but if you find yourself watching more Netflix […]

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