Category: Mental Health

Mental Oasis

We’re not gonna mention the war. We won’t talk about that thing that’s on the edge of everyone’s covered breath. There’s no point. You hear about it enough now. Let’s talk about that which isn’t mentioned, the unperceivable benefit it has brought to our lives. This benefit is obvious if you take a step back […]

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Notes on Being Alone

Superman is regarded as the most powerful superhero going, right? We can all agree on that I think. The man literally absorbs power from the sun and is bullet-proof and can fly. He has one weakness, which is a rock that proves incredibly difficult to get your hands on. He’s basically untouchable. Nevertheless, Superman has […]

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You Should Talk About the Things You Don’t Want to Talk About

Sometimes I won’t be able to properly understand something until I talk about it out loud. You gain something from saying things out loud. This can be as simple as finding a typo you missed by reading out loud, or as complex as understanding the cause of how you feel about a certain situation. Thinking […]

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Why You Shouldn’t Make a New Year’s Resolution

Every day between Christmas and New Year’s feels like a Sunday. Sundays are grand yokes but they also come with a gentle anxiety about the week ahead. It’s irritating but usually, not unmanageable. Now imagine a week of Sundays that don’t just lead up to a new week but to a brand new year. The […]

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Life is Bad When Your Friends Are Dead

Look after your friends. Check in on them. Make sure they’re not carrying a secret burden. This isn’t an act of righteous heroism. This is necessary selfishness. I’ve tweeted as much before. Making sure the mental health of your friends is good for your own sake if nothing else. When you’re surrounded by your friends […]

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Learning to Think Carefully

Be careful with your thoughts. We’re never taught how to think carefully. It’s not an easy thing to teach and it’s even harder to understand what it means to think carefully. Reckless thinking can get you into a world of trouble and potentially turn you from a nice person into a shit one. There’s a […]

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