Are You Doing The Right Thing?

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Doing the right thing is often the hard thing to do. Doing the right thing often requires courage, sacrifice, and a willingness to stand up for what is right, even if it goes against popular opinion or societal norms.

There are many examples of situations where doing the right thing is the hard thing to do. Standing up to a bully or reporting wrongdoing in the workplace can be incredibly challenging and often comes with consequences such as ostracism, job loss, or even physical harm. Likewise, taking responsibility for our mistakes or admitting when we are wrong can be humbling and uncomfortable. Often we resist doing the right thing because it is counter to what we want.

Another example of when doing the right thing is difficult is in situations where we have to choose between our own personal interests and the greater good. For instance, we may be tempted to cheat on a test or take credit for someone else’s work to further our own career, but doing so would be dishonest and unethical.

Doing the right thing can also be difficult when we have to confront our own biases and prejudices. It takes courage to challenge our own assumptions and beliefs, especially when they are deeply ingrained or have been reinforced by society. We often engage in the ‘wrong’ behaviour and rationalise it. “This is how everyone else behaves” therefore, it is okay for me to act in the same way.

Despite the challenges of doing the right thing, there are plenty of reasons why it is important to do so. For one, doing the right thing helps us to build a strong sense of integrity and self-respect. When we act in accordance with our values and principles, we can feel proud of ourselves and our actions. In the end, doing the right thing makes us feel good, even if it’s doing something we didn’t want to do in the first place.

I have been in many situations over the years where the thing I wanted to do was contra to the right thing to do. And sometimes I’ve done what I wanted to. Can you guess what happened? i felt terrible about it afterwards. I failed to do the right thing to serve the self. It made me feel inferior and like a failure.

Doing the right thing is often the hard thing to do. But it is essential for personal growth and social progress. It requires courage, sacrifice, and a willingness to stand up for what is right, even when it is difficult.

The right move is rarely the easy move. So are you going to take the easy route or dowhat’s right?

Be good,


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